Category Archives: Oceanside Marine Study Area

Willow Flycatcher

The picture of this Willow Flycatcher was taken at the Oceanside Nature Center. The picture of this Willow Flychatcher was taken with the CANON EOS7D and the CANON 100-400mm lens and the CANON 580EXII flash.

I felt like a flycatcher or more precisely a gnatcatcher yesterday at this marsh. There were so many gnats.

Seaside Sparrow

This picture of this Seaside Sparrow was taken at the Oceanside Marine Study Area. The picture of this Seaside Sparrow was taken with the CANON EOS7D and the CANON 100-400mm lens and the CANON 580EXII flash.

The Seaside Sparrow eats tiny young crabs,
and other small marine animals and is usually very hard to detect because it lives near the ground in the grass.

I attended a photography workshop led by David Speiser through the New York City Audubon Society Saturday which facilitated my getting this nice capture.