Category Archives: Photo Locations

Twelve-spotted Skimmer Dragonfly

The picture of this Twelve-spotted Skimmer male was taken at Ward Pound Ridge in Westchester, New York. The picture of this Twelve-spotted Dragonfly was taken with the CANON EOS20D and the CANON 100 macro lens and the CANON 580EXII flash.

It is that time of year where I love to take pictures of various insects especially dragonflies.

Willow Flycatcher

The picture of this Willow Flycatcher was taken at the Oceanside Nature Center. The picture of this Willow Flychatcher was taken with the CANON EOS7D and the CANON 100-400mm lens and the CANON 580EXII flash.

I felt like a flycatcher or more precisely a gnatcatcher yesterday at this marsh. There were so many gnats.

Yellow Warbler

The picture of this Yellow Warbler was taken at the Jamaica Bay National Wildlife Refuge. The picture of this ellow Warbler was taken with the CANON EOS7D and the CANON 100-400mm lens and the CANON 580EXII flash.

It is such a treat to have so many Yellow Warblers at the Jamaica Bay National Wildlife Refuge singing away during this breeding season.