The picture of this Ringed-bill Gull in flight was taken at Stuyvesant Cove on the East River in New York City. The picture of this Ringed-bill Gull in flight was taken with the CANON EOS 7D and the CANON 100-400 lens.
Gull in flight
Black Skimmers in flight
Black-bellied Plover
Black Vultures
The picture of these two Black Vultures was taken at the CREW Bird Rookery in Florida. The picture of these Black Vultures was taken with the CANON EOS 7D and the CANON 100-400 lens.
Male and female Black Vultures are identical. There is no external way to differentiate them. Black Vultures are strongly monogamous and they both tend to the nest. So these are two adult Black Vultures that I want to say are a pair and claim that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
Black Vultures
The picture of these two Black Vultures was taken at the CREW Bird Rookery in Florida. The picture of these Black Vultures was taken with the CANON EOS 7D and the CANON 100-400 lens.
I find Black Vultures facinating. There is a timeless quality about them. There were about fifty of them at this particular spot going about their “normal” routine. A racoon popped out of the woods and a group of about ten Black Vultures terrified and it scurried quickly back from where it came.