Eastern Bluebird

The picture of this Eastern Bluebird was taken at the Jamaica Bay National Wildlife Refuge. The picture of this Eastern Bluebird was taken with the CANON EOS 7D and the CANON 100-400 lens and the CANON 580EXII flash.

The Eastern Bluebird is the state bird for New York.

Brants are back

The picture of these Brants was taken at the Jamaica Bay National Wildlife Refuge. The picture of these Brants was taken with the CANON EOS 7D and the CANON 100-400 lens and the CANON 580EXII flash.

I love Jamaica Bay National Wildlife Refuge in the winter when the many ducks and geeses return in the hundreds and thousands.

Boat-tailed Grackle Female

The picture of this female Boat-tailed Grackle was taken at the Jamaica Bay National Wildlife Refuge. The picture of this Boat-tailed Grackle Female was taken with the CANON EOS 7D and the CANON 100-400 lens and the CANON 580EXII flash.

This gal must have been expected a very important phone call as she was hanging out at this phone for quite a while.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

The picture of this Ruby-crowned Kinglet was taken in Central in the maintenance yard. The picture of this Ruby-crowned Kinglet was taken with the CANON EOS 7D and the CANON 100-400 lens and the CANON 580EXII flash.

The Ruby-crowned Kinglet is one of North America’s smallest songbirds,