Pileated Woodpecker in flight

The picture of this Pileated Woodpecker in flight was taken in Shrewsbury, Vermont. This picture was taken with the CANON EOS7D with the CANON 100-400mm lens.

I took this picture early in the morning before there was much light. Since I needed to use an ISO of 1000 in order to capture the Pileated Woodpecker in flight, it had lots of noise that I needed to remove in Photoshop. I usually use Noise Ninja in conjunction with Adobe Photoshop CS5 to remove noise.

Unless I have a right on camera setting, I have alot of noise to contend with on a regular basis. Now that I am using a flash more regularly, the noise factor is being reduced quite a bit..

One thought on “Pileated Woodpecker in flight

  1. etta boetttger

    Hi. I have one or two in the my back woods – I know they have a distinctive sound but I just saw white under the head area. thanks. this confirms my answer.

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