Black-throated Blue Warbler Male

The picture of this male Black-throated Blue Warbler was taken in the North Garden at the Jamaica Bay Wildiife Refuge. This part of the Jamaica Wildlife Refuge is my favorite place to be able to photograph migrating songbirds. The picture of this Black-throated Blue Warbler was taken with the Canon EOS5D Mark III with the Canon 100-400mm lens.

Click below to hear the sounds of the male Black-throated Blue Warbler

Osprey in Flight with Fish

The picture of this Osprey in flight with a big fish was taken at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. I took the picture of this Osprey with the Canon EOS5D Mark III and the Canon 100-400mm lens while this Ospey was flying over the East Pond at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge.

Click below to hear the sounds of the Osprey

Northern Flicker at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge

The picture of this Northern Flicker was taken at Big John’s Pond in the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. Big John’s Pond at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge has been very productive these last few weeks for other than shorebirds. I think it is because the water is so low in the pond so that it is mainly mud flats.

Click below to hear the sounds of the Northern Flicker

Solitary Sandpiper

The picture of this Solitary Sandpiper was taken at Big John’s Pond in the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge.

I recently starting using the Canon 5D Mark III and have been getting familiar with it. I have found that getting birds in flight is really powerful. I have been using the Canon 5D Mark III with the Canon 100-400mm lens for bird photography.

Clilck below to hear the Solitary Sandpiper