Author Archives: Laura Meyers

Halloween Pennant Dragonfly

The picture of this Halloween Pennant Dragonfly was taken at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation in Westchester, NY.The Halloween Penannant forages from atop tall grasses, weeds and stems in open fields some distance from the water. It perches uniquely, with the forewings and hindwings in different planes. The forewings are held somewhat vertically and the hindwings horizontally.
I took this picture with my CANON EOS20D and the CANON 100mm f2.8 MACRO lens. I am finding this combination very rewarding for macro pictures.

Ebony Jewelwing Damselflies

The picture of these Ebony Jewel Damselflies in wheel position was taken at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation in Westchester, NY. I used the CANON EOS 7D with the CANON 100mm – 400 mm lens to make this capture.
This picture shows the dragonsflies mating. When drgaonflies mate, the male flies above her and lands on her back, bends his abdomen far forward and deposits sperm on the underside of his second abdominal segment, which is the site of his penis. Then, grasping the female behind the head with a pair of forceps-like structures at the end of his abdomen, he flies off with her in tandem. When she is ready to mate, she curls her abdomen down and forward to place its end under the male’s second abdominal segment, which has structures to hold it in place while the sperm are transferred to her reproductive tract.

Honey Bee

The picture of this Honey Bee was taken at Stuyvesant Cove Park on the East River in New York City. This picture was taken with the CANON EOS 20D with the CANON 100MM, f2.8 Macro lens. I really like the combination of the CANON EOS20D with this Macro lens. I tried working with the CANON EOS7D and the CANON 100 Macro lens and found it really hard to focus correctly.
I have really been enjoying going regularly to Stuyvesant Cove park and taking my time getting pictures of the insects and fauna and flora that I find in my neighborhood.

Double-crested Cormorant in flight

The picture of this Double-crested Cormorant was taken at the Jamaica Bay Wildlifre Refuge. This picture was taken with my CANON EOS7D and the CANON 100-400mm lens. Double-crested Cormorants are common inhabitants of seacoasts and inland waters, rarely observed out of sight of land.

Least Tern harassing Oyster Catcher

The picture of this Least Tern harassing an Oyster Catcher was taken at Nickerson Beach, Lido Beach, NY. Nickerson Beach is filled with bird adventures. Both the Least Tern and the Oyster Catcher nest on Nickerson Beach. It is the behavior of the Least Tern to protect its breeding territory by dive bombing all intruders.
It is really exciting photography to be able to go to a place such as this where there is so much bird behavior ready for the camera.

I used my CANONEOS7D with the CANONO 100-400mm lens to make this capture.

Black Skimmer in flight

The picture of this Black Skimmer in flight was taken at Nickerson Beach, Lido Beach, NY. I was at Nickerson Beach very early on an overcast morning. Black Skimmers, Oyster Catchers and Least Terns were abundant. This is a very pleasant way to be able to take pictures of birds in flight. The hardest part is choosing which ones to keep and which ones to delete because I had so many pictures to go through.

The Black Skimmer has very beautiful lines and of course the orange on the beak is a very beautiful addition. It is so hard not to marvel and be moved by these magnificent creatures of nature – birds. I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to photograph them and in turn share them with others.

Gray Catbird

The picture of this Gray Catbird was taken at Stuyvesant Cove. I have been going to Stuyvesant Cove Park which is a beautiful small park that goes from 18th Street to 23rd Street on the East River. It is very well managed Solar One.
I have been taking pictures of the more abundant New York City birds and I had an interesting discovery. Since these birds are very accessible, I have less anxiety about getting the shot. I can take more time setting up my shot and trying new technique since I am not so worried about making sure I get the bird because I may never have a chance to shoot it again.
I am very happy with the detail and sharpness of the feathers. I love the eyes and the “personality” of this bird.

American Oystercatcher

The picture of this American Oystercatcher was taken at Nickerson Beach, Lido Beach, NY. I used my CANON EOS7D with the CANON 100-400mm lens to take this capture. It was very early in the morning on a very overcast day. The bird was pretty shy and it was difficult to get very close. Also they breed at this beach and are very protective of their nesting area.

Herring Gull in flight (Juvenile)

The picture of this Herring Gull in flight was taken at the Jamaica Bay National Wildlife Refuge. I really enjoy taking pictures of birds in flight. This picture is very peaceful and gentle to me – like a mediation. I project to the sense of the overseer, the all-seeing, the lightness of being.
The jagged wing feather enhance the picture by adding more interest and detail than a “perfect” feather configuration.