Category Archives: Warblers

Magnolia Warbler in grass

The picture of this Magnolia Warbler was taken in Central Park, New York City during Fall migration. This picture of the Magnolia Warbler was taken with the CANON EOS7D with the 100-400mm lens. I am experimenting with posting the birds that are partially concealed by their surrounding environment. The majority of the pictures of warblers that I do take show them momentarily exposing themselves, I think that this picture of the Magnolia Warbler in the grass gives a more realistic picture of what a person might see when coming across a Magnolia Warbler in the field.

Common Yellowthroat (female)

The picture of this Common Yellowthroat Warbler was takin in Central Park, New York City. The picture of the Common Yellowthroat was taken with the CANON EOS7D with a 100-400mm lens. I have been really enjoying going to Central Park during the fall migration. Since I am not very familar with Central Park birding, I signed up for a morning birding class given through the American Museum of Natural History. It is a very fun group experience and I am certainly learning the spots along The Ramble in Central for spotting the birds.


The picture of this Ovenbird was taken in Prospect Park, Brooklyn during Fall Migration. It was taken with the Canon EOS7D with the CANON 100-400mm lens. The challenge of capturing a picture of a Warbler was made more difficult because of the lack of light. The flash provided most of the light in this picture which really emphasizes the eye ring on this guy.

Blackpoll Warbler

The picture of this Blackpoll Warbler was taken in Central Park, NYC during Fall Migration. I used the CANON EOS7D with the 100-400mm lens to get this Blackpoll Warbler.
Warblers are quite the challenge to capture because they are very small and are always in motion. I usually need to do some work in photoshop to eliminate the foliage that they “hide” in.
I followed this bird for awhile before I could get a clear shot.

Yellow Warbler JBNWR

The picture of this Yellow Warbler was taken at the Jamaica Bay National Wildlife Refuge. As a result of the lesson I took with Lloyd Spitalnik this past week, I have learned how to work more carefully in Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop when processing my pictures. The main emphasis is to clear up the noise issues that I have with many of my pictures taken with the CANON EOS7D and to sharpen properly.
I have been using Noise Ninja – but I now will use it as early as possible when processing the pictures in Adobe Photoshop. As for the sharpening, I was using the smart sharpen option in Adobe Photoshop but was not cranking it up as much as I could. Of course it totally depends on the picture. The main culprit for me as far as the noise is the very light whitish area where the noise is most apparent.
The colors and the capture of this picture made is suitable for alot sharpening.

Black-throated Blue Warbler

The picture of this Black-throated Blue Warbler was taken in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY with my CANON EOS7D and the Canon 100-400 mm lens. I was glad to have the extremely fast burst mode that is built into the CANON EOS7D when I walked right into a termite hatching in the park.
The birds were flitting around in a frenzy hardly ever stopping and I was happy to be able to keep clicking away keeping up with the action with the CANONEOS 7D. I purchased a battery power pack for the CANON Speedlite 580EXII which makes the flash recycle much more quickly in addition the having the flash unit stayed powered much longer which came in really handy for this particular type of shooting.

Yellow-rumped Warbler

The picture of this Yellow-rumped Warbler was taken in Central Park using my CANONEOS7D with a 100-400mm lens. I have started shooting with the partial metering mode on the CANONEOS7D instead of the recommended evaluative metering mode and seem to be getting more consistent better results when shooting birds. Since the evaluative metering evaluates the entire frame and the bird as subject matter is usually close to the center of the frame even when I shift the focus point, it does make sense that partial metering is working.

Black and White Warbler

The picture of this Black and White Warbler was taken in Prospect Park on May 16, 2010. I was able to capture this little guy during a termite hatching. Black and White Warblers are usually found on tree trunks and branches scooting up and down in search of insects.

Yellow Warbler

The picture of this lovely Yellow Warbler was taken in Prospect Park Brooklyn May 10, 2010. I am trying really hard to master my CanonEOS7D and am getting more pleased as I get shots similar to this one. There is also so much information online and I am starting to glean through some of this without getting too overwhelmed