Category Archives: Photo Locations

Seaside Sparrow

This picture of this Seaside Sparrow was taken at the Oceanside Marine Study Area. The picture of this Seaside Sparrow was taken with the CANON EOS7D and the CANON 100-400mm lens and the CANON 580EXII flash.

The Seaside Sparrow eats tiny young crabs,
and other small marine animals and is usually very hard to detect because it lives near the ground in the grass.

I attended a photography workshop led by David Speiser through the New York City Audubon Society Saturday which facilitated my getting this nice capture.

White-throated Sparrow

The picture of this White-throated Sparrow in breeding plumage was taken at the New York Botanical Gardens.

The picture of this White-throated Sparrow in breeding plumage was taken with the CANON EOS7D and the CANON 100-400mm lens and the CANON 580EXII flash.

To me, it looks like this White-throated Sparrow put on a shiny tuxedo for the breeding season.

Canada Warbler

The picture of this Canada Warbler was taken in Central Park at the Point in New York City. The picture of Canada Warbler was taken with the CANON EOS7D and the CANON 100-400mm lens and the CANON 580EXII flash.

It took me quite a while to be able to get a picture of this Canada Warbler because he did not stay in one place for very long.

Northern Parula

The picture of this Northern Parula was taken in the New York Botanical Gardens. The picture of this Northern Parula was taken with the CANON EOS7D and the CANON 100-400mm lens and the CANON 580EXII flash.

I was lucky to find a nice spot where there were many migrants bathing in in the New York Botanical Gardens near the Twin Lakes.

Black-and-White Warbler

The picture of this Black-and-white Warbler was taken in Central Park.
The picture of Black-and-white Warbler was taken with the CANON EOS7D and the CANON 100-400mm lens and the CANON 580EXII flash.

When my flash batteries ran out yesterday at the point in Central Park where most of the birds are in shade, I realized how essential the flash is in getting the picture most of the time. And how I should carry extra batteries with me all the time even though I have a battery pack.

Hooded Warbler

The picture of this Hooded Warbler was taken in Central Park. The picture of Hooded Warbler was taken with the CANON EOS7D and the CANON 100-400mm lens and the CANON 580EXII flash.

This past Tuesday, May 3rd, was an amazing birding day in New York City. I spent most of the day in Central Park. There were many migrating birds. This gave me many photo ops – most of which were too difficult to get the shot.
But I got enough to please me like this beautiful Hooded Warbler. It does not get much better than this!