American Kestrel

The picture of this American Kestrel was taken on my terrace in the East Village in Manhattan. The picture of this American Kestrel was taken with the Canon EOS 7D with the 100-400mm lens.

American Kestrel

The picture of this American Kestrel was taken on my terrace in the East Village in Manattan. I was very surprised when I looked out on my terrace on the 12th floor to see this beautiful American Kestrel perched on the railing. I was able to photograph him through my window. He visited with my for about twenty minutes.

Cooper’s Hawk

The picture of this Cooper’s Hawk was taken in Central Park in the Ramble. The picture of this Cooper’s Hawk was taken with the Canon EOS 5D Mark III with the Canon 100-400mm lens.

Click below to hear the sound of the Cooper’s Hawk

White-throated Sparrow

The picture of this White-throated Sparrow was taken in Central Park. The picture of this White-throated Sparrow was taken with the Canon EOS 5D with the Canon 100-400mm lens.

Click below to hear the sound of the White-throated Sparrow

Merlin on Branch

The picture of this Merlin was taken at the State Line Overlook in New Jersey. The picture of this Merlin was taken with the Canon EOS 5D Mark III with the Canon 100-400mm lens.

Click below to hear the sounds of the Merlin