Juvenile Double-crested Cormorant on Piling in East River

The picture of this Juvenile Double-crested Cormorant was taken at the Stuyvesant Cove Park on the East River in Manhattan. I enjoy going to this numberswiki.com

little park on the river to photograph because it has many pilings that are the remnants of an old factory where the cormorants love to perch and preen.

Ring-billed Gull in Flight Closeup

This interesting closeup of this Ring-billed Gull was taken at Stuyvesant Cove on the East River in Manhattan. Ring-billed Gulls in many cases will winter at the same location every year and there are many Ring-billed Gulls that visit Stuyvesant Cove during the winter. It has become one of my favorite locations to photograph Gulls and this year cormorants.

Female House Sparrow

The picture of this female House Sparrow with lots of personality was taken at Stuyvesant Cove which is on the East River in Manhattan between 18th Street and 23rd Street. It was taken on a cold day when there was a wonderful fog encompassing the East River and Stuyvesant Cove.

American Avocet Breeding Plumage

The picture of this beautiful bird was taken in May 2012 at the Bombaby Hook National Wildlife Refuge in Delaware. There are about 70 American Avocets in breeding plumage present at that time.

Black-capped Chickadee on Hand

The picture of this Black-capped Chickadee on hand was taken at the New York Botanical Gardens. The chickadee and titmouse are very “friendly” at the gardens and will respond if you put your hand out even if you do not have any seeds for them. I love feeling the life force in their little bodies when they are on my hand.

Song Sparrow in Snow

The picture of this Song Sparrow in the snow was taken just after the large snow storm we had here in New York City. The snow melted within two days. One of my favorite ways to photograph birds is in the snow because of the way the white shows off the bids and lights up the whole bird. I used the my Canon 5D Mark III which with the Canon 100-400mm lens which is my favorite walk about combination.